Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Case Report

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Esra Karaca
Meryem Karaaziz


In this case, a 39-year-old female client with symptoms of 'Major Depressive Disorder', which is one of the mood disorders, was treated by applying cognitive behavioral therapy techniques according to DSM-5 criteria. The client first started to show symptoms of the disorder with the marriage of her older sister. Afterwards, she attempted suicide because her platonic love got married and was admitted to the psychiatry service. She returned to her old functional life after the treatment she received in the service. However, due to the problems she had with her husband and daughter for about 8 months, she started to show symptoms of major depressive disorder again. She tried to communicate effectively with them to overcome the problems she had. However, she showed eating behaviors whenever she felt sad because she thought that there was no improvement. When the client applied for psychological support, psychoeducation was done in the first place. Afterwards, the cognitions and behaviors of the client were intervened by using the psychological test 'Thematic Perception Test' and cognitive behavioral therapy techniques. Cognitive behavioral therapy techniques are a highly functional therapy method on depressive disorders. For this reason, it is aimed to contribute to the well-being of the client with major depressive disorder with cognitive behavioral therapy techniques.

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How to Cite
Karaca, E., & Karaaziz, M. (2023). Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Case Report. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 6(2), 279–292.