A General Evaluation of The Constitution of 1924 as The First Constitution of Our Republic History

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Kadir Caner DOĞAN


With the 1924 Constitution, the first official constitution of the Republic of Turkey, a democratic and secular modern state based on national sovereignty was built. This constitution, which provides a basis for our republican history, played a role in the formation of republican culture as well as creating political institutions. This constitution has a share in the later constitutional and legal development of the republic and is also important in this respect. In this study, the 1924 Constitution was analyzed through its preparation process, its features, its provisions on organs and the changes that took place. It has also been associated with some political science and philosophy concepts. The method of the study is literature review.

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How to Cite
DOĞAN, K. C. (2022). A General Evaluation of The Constitution of 1924 as The First Constitution of Our Republic History. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 5(6), 813–824. https://doi.org/10.26677/TR1010.2022.993

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