Fahrelnisa Zeid's Influence on Turkish Painting

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Emre Şen
Şirin Zerey Koç


Fahrelnisa Zeid, one of the artist members of the Şakir Pasha family, who brought important artists to Turkish and world art, and known as the princess of painting, briefly looked at her life and focused more on her art. Its place and contributions in Turkish painting art and its position in world art are discussed. Throughout his long art life, it has been observed that Fahrelnisa Zeid was in constant pursuit of repetition. Painting has become a passion for him. As a result of his innovations and searches, he contributed to the advancement of Turkish painting art and to representing Turkish painting in many countries abroad.

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How to Cite
Şen, E., & Zerey Koç, Şirin. (2021). Fahrelnisa Zeid's Influence on Turkish Painting. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 4(7), 671–687. https://doi.org/10.26677/TR1010.2021.792