Childhood Sexual Abuse and Women's Sexual Life: Traditional Review

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Şeyma Tunçay
Muzaffer Şahin


The main purpose of this study is to conduct a literature review on the effect of childhood sexual abuse on women's sexual life. One of the aims of this review is to reveal the effects of childhood sexual abuse on the act of sexuality, which must be carried out in physical and psychological cooperation. In this study, using the traditional compilation method, the concepts of childhood trauma, sexual abuse and sexuality were searched in Turkish and English in Google Scholar, Ulakbim, YÖK Thesis, Dergi Park Science Direct, PubMed and electronic databases. In light of the determined criteria, a total of 36 studies were included. The titles and abstracts of all relevant articles identified by the electronic search were independently reviewed by the researchers. According to the results obtained, 936 studies were examined and publications, books, etc. that were not directly related to the subject and did not have full text were included. were excluded from the scope of screening and were not evaluated. When the results obtained from the research were examined, it was seen that childhood sexual abuse had a significant impact on the sexual lives of adult women. Research has shown that more qualitative and empirical research is needed among women who have been sexually abused.

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How to Cite
Tunçay, Şeyma, & Şahin, M. (2024). Childhood Sexual Abuse and Women's Sexual Life: Traditional Review. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 7(5), 401–414.