Cooperative Based Changes in the Oily Seed Production with the capitalist globalization process: The Case of Trakya Birlik (Union)Corporate

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Mina Furat
İrem Duman


In this study, Trakya Birlik’s conditions and problems in the production of Oily Seeds and how these conditions problems were managed and the relations of the organization with the producers were analyzed. The conditions of oily seeds production and problems were theoretically analyzed in relation with the global agri-food sector. In-depth semi- structured interviews were conducted with five directors, three board members of Trakya Birlik Cooperative and four producers who are partners of Trakya Birlik. Foreign dependency, Exchange rates, and the effects of the Ukraine-Russia war were expressed as macro factors effecting oily seed production. As a problem in production, conditions related to nature and high input costs were mentioned. In order to manage the conditions in the global market and to increase its competitiveness, the cooperative has been trying to make high quality production, to process the agricultural products and sell them first in the country and then abroad and sustain low input costs for the producers. It is observed that the decision-making mechanism of the Union is quite bureaucratic. Although producers were satisfied with the cooperative, they mentioned the increase in the input costs as a problem.

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How to Cite
Furat, M., & Duman, İrem. (2023). Cooperative Based Changes in the Oily Seed Production with the capitalist globalization process: The Case of Trakya Birlik (Union)Corporate. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 6(10), 1230–1251.