Examination of Teachers' Views on Demonstrations of Emotional Labor

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Yılmaz Ortaç
Kemal Sürme
Cevdet Akın
Mehmet Altay
İrfan Ortaç


In this study, teachers' views on emotional labor representations are examined. In the study conducted based on the phenomenological model, one of the qualitative research methods, the data were obtained by using a semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher. In the 2022-2023 academic year, 15 teachers working in schools in the city center of Batman constitute the study group of the research. The records obtained from the face-to-face interviews with the teachers were converted into text documents and analyzed using the MAXQDA 20 program. According to the findings obtained as a result of the research, it can be said that teachers mostly work according to informal rules, they mainly exhibit superficial behaviors and they associate this behavior with negative health consequences such as burnout, fatigue and stress.

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How to Cite
Ortaç, Y., Sürme, K., Akın, C., Altay, M., & Ortaç, İrfan. (2023). Examination of Teachers' Views on Demonstrations of Emotional Labor. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 6(3), 341–354. https://doi.org/10.26677/TR1010.2023.1187