A Study on The School Administrators Education and Appointment Processes in Türkiye and European Countries

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Münir Şahin


The school administrator should make all the necessary planning in order for the education given in the school to reach its goal, and act together with the stakeholders inside and outside the school by forming cooperation and joint working teams. A school that is not well managed cannot be expected to succeed. Therefore, in this study, it is aimed to examine school administrator training, selection and appointment practices in Turkey and European countries. Considering the results of the 2018 PISA Exam, the situation in Turkey was examined, along with three countries with high, medium and low success levels, Finland, France and Greece. The study was carried out in accordance with document analysis, which is one of the qualitative research designs. A literature review on the subject has been made and the existing situation has been tried to be determined in the light of the literature. According to the findings of the research, in countries with low PISA exam results such as Turkey and Greece, which are managed with a centralized management approach, teaching experience is an important condition for appointments, and there is generally no education requirement for educational administration before taking office for appointment. However, in countries such as Finland, where education management is largely left to local governments, and France, where less autonomy is recognized, pre-service training is required from education administrators in areas such as education management, apart from experience, and it has been observed that administrator training continues with in-service trainings.

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How to Cite
Şahin, M. (2022). A Study on The School Administrators Education and Appointment Processes in Türkiye and European Countries. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 5(12), 1829–1854. https://doi.org/10.26677/TR1010.2022.1162