Architectural Evaluation of Antalya Minarets

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Handan YERLİ


While the architectural element called "minaret" for the purpose of announcing the adhan to a greater distance, served more functional purposes in the first years of Islam, it became an important part of mosque architecture in the following years. In this study, it is aimed to investigate the minarets belonging to mosques and masjids in Antalya Province, its district and its villages, to determine the developments of Antalya minarets in terms of architecture and ornamentation from the Anatolian Seljuks to the Republican period and to determine their place in Turkish Islamic architecture. In the study, books and periodicals written on the subject were used as primary sources, and field research was conducted. Photographs of the minarets were taken; their plans were drawn and their definitions were made. Examined minarets are handled chronologically. In this study, a total of fifteen minarets, including fourteen minarets in classical style and one individual type, built in the Anatolian Seljuk and Ottoman periods in the provinces, districts and villages of Antalya were examined.

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How to Cite
YERLİ, H. (2022). Architectural Evaluation of Antalya Minarets. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 5(8), 1151–1170.