The Analysis and Discussion Regarding Future Concerns Experienced by University Students and Their Correlation with Research Gathered from 1996-2020 in Turkey

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The aim of this research is to examine and evaluate the researchers conducted between 1996-2020 in relation to the future concerns of university students. The study was carried out with the descriptive survey model. The study was based on the year 1996, when a significant increase in the number of both foundation and state universities started, and the studies dealing with the future anxiety of university students in the period from 1996 to the present were assessment and evaluated. In the examination made; The distribution of the studies according to the years, according to the state and foundation universities, according to the fields and departments of education, according to the periods (classes) of the students were examined. In addition, the variables in which the relationship was investigated with future anxieties were examined. It has been seen that the studies conducted in this context were few until 2007, and that they increased since 2007, and the majority of the studies were carried out within the body of state universities and mostly in Education Faculties. In most of the studies, it was observed that there was a significant relationship between students' anxiety levels and their socioeconomic levels. As a result of the researches carried out, it has been found that the unemployment rate in Turkey has increased visibly, and as unemployment and employment problems increase, the anxiety of university students for the future also increases.

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How to Cite
AKGÜN GÜDÜCÜ, S., & ÖZERK, H. (2022). The Analysis and Discussion Regarding Future Concerns Experienced by University Students and Their Correlation with Research Gathered from 1996-2020 in Turkey. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 5(6), 748–769.