The Effect of Teachers Organizational Commitment on Performance: Private and State School Comparison

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Emre Karayılan
Pınar Mert


The study aims to examine the effect of the organizational commitment of teachers working in private and public schools on their performance levels. In this context, research according to the relational survey model, one of the quantitative patterned research methods. For the research, a questionnaire was applied to 389 teachers, 198 in public schools and 191 in private schools in Istanbul. In addition to the questions describing the teachers, the Organizational Commitment Scale and Teacher Performance Scale are in the questionnaire form. Applied independent sample t-test, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were to the data obtained from private and public schools in Istanbul teachers. The findings concluded that the organizational commitment of teachers working in private and public schools positively affects the performance level. As a result of the comparison made according to the school type, it was concluded that organizational commitment differed significantly. The organizational commitment levels of the teachers working in private schools were higher in this difference. Based on the results obtained, it is necessary to increase teachers' organizational commitment and take precautions by the administrators.

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How to Cite
Karayılan, E., & Mert, P. (2022). The Effect of Teachers Organizational Commitment on Performance: Private and State School Comparison. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 5(4), 357–377.