A Study between Psychological Safety and Counterproductive Work Behavior on Health Workers

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Hakan Vahit Erkutlu
Mehmet Kayacan
Halil Özcan Özdemir


The decisions taken by the health care workers, which are the most important part of the examination and treatment process in health presentation, have a serious effect on the health of the patients. In this point, health workers may have to take risks in order to achieve healthier and more effective results. This point is one of the most important perceptions that positively affect the decisions of the employees is the perception of psychological safety, and the negative impact of the workers on the other is counterproductive work behavior. In the light of these perceptions that healthcare workers may have, it should give the necessary support to their employees in terms of both perceptions of the hospital administrations since they have important effects on the service they offer. In this study, a survey was conducted to examine the relationship between psychological safety and counterproductive work behaviors of health personnel working in Nevşehir State Hospital. Data were collected from the 180 participants of the study by means of demographic characteristics, Psychological Safety Scale and Counterproductive Work Behavior Scale, and the data was analyzed by using SPSS 21 program. The data obtained will shed light on the approach that health workers have shown during the services they provide.

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How to Cite
Erkutlu, H. V., Kayacan, M., & Özdemir, H. Özcan. (2021). A Study between Psychological Safety and Counterproductive Work Behavior on Health Workers. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 2(3), 166–179. Retrieved from https://sobibder.org/index.php/sobibder/article/view/24