The Analysis and Discussion Regarding the Researches Concerning Child Abuse Prevention Programs From 1995-2020 in Turkey

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Gözde Ece Derebagçe
Halis Özerk


Considering the figures that the World Health Organization (WHO) draws attention almostevery year it is seen that child abuse and neglectis increasing day by day in the whole world.Similarly, TÜİK, both of Ministry of Health and Security General Directorate's datas indicatesthat in Turkey; child abuse and neglect have seen more frequent every year. The aim of thisstudy is to evaluate the research done in the years between 1995-2020 that on the abusepreventing program. The model of the research is descriptive scanning model. It was concludedthat the study groups in the studies consisted mostly of children, the studies were conductedmostly to increase the level of knowledge and acquire skills, and the studies covering all typesof abuse were more intense than the others. Considering the distribution of the studies by yearsit was concluded that there was an increase in the number of studies between 2011-2015 and thehighest increase was between 2016-2020. On the other hand, it was concluded that 45.45% of theabuses showed a distribution as all types of abuse, 42.42% as sexual abuse and 12.12% asemotional abuse and neglect.

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How to Cite
Derebagçe, G. E., & Özerk, H. (2021). The Analysis and Discussion Regarding the Researches Concerning Child Abuse Prevention Programs From 1995-2020 in Turkey. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 4(7), 651–670.