Research on The Frequency of Words in Written Expressions of B1 Level Students

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Zekeriya Batur
Mine Özçelik
Ufuk Uluçınar


The aim of this study is to examine the number of words, word types and word diversity usedby students who learn Turkish as a foreign language in their writing course. The descriptivesurvey model, one of the quantitative research designs, was used in the study. The research groupof the study consists of foreign students who learn Turkish at B1 level in Pamukkale UniversityLanguage Teaching Application and Research Center. There are 15 students, 10 males and 5females, in the study group. In the research, before the study, the themes were determined byface-to-face student interviews and expert opinions, and in this context, 6 compositions werewritten to the students within a period of 6 weeks. In the study, 46 personal information formsand 90 worksheets were scanned to obtain information about students. With this screening, it isaimed to determine the number of words and word types in the articles written to students. Byanalyzing the writing activities of the students with the SPSS 25.0 package program – with threedifferent themes, it was determined that the students mostly used words “and’’, “after’’, “go’’and “get’’.

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How to Cite
Batur, Z., Özçelik, M., & Uluçınar, U. (2021). Research on The Frequency of Words in Written Expressions of B1 Level Students. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 4(7), 597–617.