Reality Perception in Traditional Media within the Framework of Perception Management Concept

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Seçil Utma


The media that systematically organizes the world of meaning in the framework of a certain ideology; is decisive in the representation of truth. The messages coming from the media tools shape the individuals' knowledge structures, and create their perception structure and limit their life experiences. The individual exposed to media messages compares media messages with his own life, and as a result, he often abandons his own experiences and adopts media experiences. In today's complex societies, reality is presented to people by media and they are provided with information about what is happening around them. The difference between the reality that individuals perceive with their own experience and the reality of the media provides the structuring of the field of social reality. While the media strongly configures the connection of individuals with reality, the media consumers witness and experience the areas of experience they have never experienced. Today, through the media, which is the source of the construction of minds, new patterns of perception, from economy to politics, from culture to social relations, are created, so our ways of thinking and action, our cultural and social life are formed within this framework. In this study; considering the concepts of perception and perception management, the construction of the perception of reality in the traditional media has been handled theoretically

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How to Cite
Utma, S. (2021). Reality Perception in Traditional Media within the Framework of Perception Management Concept. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 3(5), 383–398. Retrieved from