Licensed Warehouse System in Turkey, Electronic Products Bill and Turkey Trade Goods Exchange

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Abdullah Ergin
Emine Çına Bal


Licensed Warehousing Law dated 10/2/2005 and numbered 5300 has been enacted in order to issue product stocks that provide financing, sales and delivery, and to develop the trade of agricultural products with defined standards, facilitating the trade of agricultural products, establishing a widespread system for storage, ensuring the safety and quality of the goods of the product owners, ensuring that the classes and grades of the products are determined by the authorized classifiers, ensuring that the licensed warehouse operators of agricultural products accept agricultural products without discrimination among individuals, representing the ownership of the products. Electronic product bond (ELÜS) refers to the electronic registration created on the database and / or platform established and operated by the Electronic Registration Agency (EKK) in accordance with the electronic registration rules. Product specialized exchanges integrated into the system are part of the licensed warehousing system. Turkey Specialized Products Exchange Inc. (TÜRİB) started its operations on 26.07.2019. where the ELUSs are traded and changed hands is the product exchange. In the study, licensed warehousing system, benefits, elus definition and functioning, Turkey Specialized Products Exchange Inc. (TÜRİB), government incentives and supports for licensed warehousing are explained.

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How to Cite
Ergin, A., & Çına Bal, E. (2021). Licensed Warehouse System in Turkey, Electronic Products Bill and Turkey Trade Goods Exchange. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 3(4), 261–272. Retrieved from