The History of the History of the Handling Connections Between Human and Human Activities and Geographical

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Ferdi Akbaş
Özcan Akınlı


This study is a toponim study on the place names mentioned in the 1/25000 scale Akhisar topography map. The aim of this study is to determine the place names in the map, to search these place names by using the information obtained from the region and to reveal the tradition of giving place names in the Akhisar region. In the study, which started with the compilation of the place names in the 1/25000 scale Akhisar map, besides the written sources, the information given by the local people was used in the field studies. While some of this information was collected by visiting the villages, telephone calls were made with the muhtars about the villages that could not be visited and information was obtained from the muhtars and local people. In addition, information about the names of the place and the people who know the environment was also used. The names of the pen, barn, roof, mill, stall, house, station, castle, bridge, district, dairy, graveyard, tomb and visit place names that can be considered within the scope of urbonim, which is mentioned on Akhisar map and is accepted as a sub-branch of onomastics today. was excluded from the scope of the study.

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How to Cite
Akbaş, F., & Akınlı, Özcan. (2021). The History of the History of the Handling Connections Between Human and Human Activities and Geographical. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 3(3), 208–232. Retrieved from

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