Evaluation of Preschool Art Education Lesson and Ceramic Art

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Şebnem Noyat


In this research, the importance of ceramic art, pedagogical approaches, knowledge of the tools and equipment used in ceramic art education, and the methods and techniques used in teaching ceramic art were discussed within the scope of the preschool art education course. The research aims to guide art educators and teachers by addressing the importance of ceramic art and the pedagogical approaches used in this field. The research was conducted through document analysis using the qualitative research method. Relevant articles, book chapters and other academic sources in the existing literature were examined in detail through research literature, literature review and document review. As a result of the information obtained in the research, it has been revealed that preschool ceramic art education allows children to explore their creative experiences in a safe art environment, and supporting this process with tools and technical knowledge contributes to the versatile development of students in ceramic art. These findings provide valuable information to art educators, helping them develop strategies to increase the effectiveness of ceramics education.

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How to Cite
Noyat, Şebnem. (2024). Evaluation of Preschool Art Education Lesson and Ceramic Art. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 7(7), 496–512. https://doi.org/10.26677/TR1010.2024.1424