In Volume 51 of Hamzanâme Fairy Tale and Fantasy Novel Elements

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Nuray Kılıç


In the 9th century, the Hamzanames emerged as a product of oral tradition and were transcribed into writing in the 14th century. These narratives depict the heroic exploits of Hazrat Hamza, featuring notable stories with captivating elements such as characters, seKings, time, and events. The Hamzanames, with their fluent style, impactful events, and extraordinary characters, have aKracted the audience's aKention since their inception, becoming works of interest within Arab, Iranian, and Turkish societies for an extended period. In the study focused on the 51st volume out of the identified 72 volumes, it can be expressed that the Hamzaname exhibits similar characteristics with different genres. Prominent among the literary genres it shares common features with are the traditional genre of fairy tale and the modern genre of the fantastic novel. Extraordinary characters, events unfolding in intriguing seKings, and the use of different time frames in Hamzaname reveal similarities between these narratives and the genres of fairy tale and the fantastic novel.

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How to Cite
Kılıç, N. (2024). In Volume 51 of Hamzanâme Fairy Tale and Fantasy Novel Elements. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 7(4), 317–325".