An Example of Religious Tourism from Antiquity: Klaros Sanctuary

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Onur Zunal


Klaros is one of the most important sanctuaries of the pagan faith and the oldest known oracle center located in the Menderes District of Izmir Province. For this reason, communities came to Klaros for festivals celebrated in honor of the gods, religious festivals and divination rituals. The main reason for coming to Klaros from many different cities near and far was to apply for oracle to the god Apollo. Whether it was a visit or a pilgrimage, or for other purposes, the needs of the visitors such as accommodation, food and drink and shopping had to be met. The density created by human communities over a period of time brought along the economic cycle and its organization. The archaeological and epigraphic data from the excavations at Klaros provide us with different information about the supporters and officials of the organization, the places of accommodation, the possible location of the market where shopping took place and the products sold. The main purpose of this article is to emphasize that the concept of religious tourism and all its components were born in Antiquity, which we are trying to explain from Klaros.

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How to Cite
Zunal, O. (2023). An Example of Religious Tourism from Antiquity: Klaros Sanctuary. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 6(8), 1080–1093.