Family From Modernism to Postmodernism

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Mustafa Hatipler


If the process that started with the Industrial Revolution covers what humanity has experienced before, it cannot be denied that it has brought about a great change. This change has deeply affected all social institutions such as the family, economy and law. Especially the institution of the family has sometimes shrunk and sometimes expanded in parallel with the change and development experienced. The change in the institution of the family, from the beginning to the end of modernism, manifested in the form of downsizing and enlargement; in the process of postmodernism has entered into a process of change in the dimension of existence and extinction. Family, being both a group and a social structure, is one of the most basic elements of social life. What makes the family so important is that it is the first stage of socialization and the first process in which social norms and values are learned. Although social norms and values are issues belonging to society on the one hand, they are human values on the other hand. It is a known fact that the negative change in the family institution has the power to affect and change all the elements of the social structure. At this point, the treatment of the negative change in the family also means the treatment of the social structure. The institution of the family has a mission to give birth to the society, to grow it and to pass on cultural values to future generations. The ability of the family institution to fulfill this mission is only possible if it has a strong structure and functional features. It is clear that a family structure that has lost its strength and functional structure cannot fulfill its mission of giving birth and nurturing the society, let alone the mission of transmitting cultural values. The importance of the point reached makes it urgent to identify and treat family-related problems. Regarding the family institution, it is a necessity, not a choice, to act with the fact that a bucket of water spilled in time will prevent a fire.

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How to Cite
Hatipler, M. (2023). Family From Modernism to Postmodernism. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 6(4), 574–590.