The Massacres and Massacres of Armenians Against Muslim Turks in The South Caucasus Region in The First Quarter of the XX Century

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Amrah Bayramov


The southern Caucasus is a region where ethnic and culturally diverse ethnic groups take place. The Armenians, one of the Christian ethnic groups of the South Caucasus, have always attacked the Muslim Turks, who are the historical inhabitants of the region. The Armenians who came to the region during Czarist Russia due to collective emigration tried to create their own state on Turkish soil. The Armenians, who tried to ensure the supremacy of the population in the region, carried out genocide against the Muslim population. At the beginning of the XX century, Armenian gangs, who had the opportunity to weaken the Ottoman Empire, committed genocide against Muslim Turks in eastern Anatolia and South Caucasus. The most horrendous of these genocides took place in the regions of the present Republic of Azerbaijan. The massacres were carried out between 1905-1906 and 1918-1920.The Azerbaijani Turks, who were residents of the region, were in danger of extinction in the massacres organized by Armenians in 1918 and passed on to date as the March 31 genocide. At the last moment, the Turkish troops who came to the region for help saved the Azerbaijani Turks as brothers and sisters from the danger of being wiped from the stage of history.

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How to Cite
Bayramov, A. (2021). The Massacres and Massacres of Armenians Against Muslim Turks in The South Caucasus Region in The First Quarter of the XX Century. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 2(6), 412–426. Retrieved from