Swot Analysis of Zonguldak Provincial Industrial Heritage Tourism Potential

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Hasan Köşker
Zafer Özbey


Today, many factories, machinery, equipment, industrial facilities and mines that have lost their function in different parts of the world are again considered as a regional revival and economic development tool within the scope of industrial heritage tourism. Zonguldak; With its historical background, cultural values, industrial wealth and alternative tourism opportunities, it has an important potential in terms of industrial heritage tourism. The purpose of this research; To determine the industrial heritage tourism potential of Zonguldak province and to determine the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the province with SWOT analysis. The research reveals that Zonguldak has a rich potential in terms of industrial heritage tourism. The fact that the province is one of the first mining cities in Turkey and has many mines and historical industrial structures is its strongest point, while the fact that the industrial heritage tourism awareness has not been fully formed in the province is its weakest aspect. While the increase in tour programs in the Western Black Sea Region stands out as an important opportunity, the risk of deterioration and extinction due to the inability to fully protect the industrial heritage items poses a significant threat. Conserving the industrial heritage resources in Zonguldak and transforming them into a touristic product will contribute to the sustainability of the industrial identity of the province and the development of industrial heritage tourism.

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How to Cite
Köşker, H., & Özbey, Z. (2022). Swot Analysis of Zonguldak Provincial Industrial Heritage Tourism Potential. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 5(7), 962–977. https://doi.org/10.26677/TR1010.2022.1038