The Effect of Social Media Phenomena on Consumption Habits of Generation Z

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İrem B. Tükel Paker


For the young generation who is the main actor of consumption, social media phenomena are the most prevalent factor in purchasing decision process which is evolving more and more from traditional to internet each day. The main purpose of this study is to reveal the role of social media phenomena for generation Z-who is the main group that uses social media intensively- in their consumption habits. To form a sound basis for the study, the relation between purchasing and taking a role model for genaration Z is examined. In order to show the effects of social media phenomena, focus group study is applied which is a part of qualitative research method. The foundings of the study show that there is a significant relation between role model effect, brand sensitivity purchasing behavior and social media phenomena for generation Z. The study is supposed to understand the consumption preference and ways of impressing generation Z.

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How to Cite
Tükel Paker, İrem B. (2022). The Effect of Social Media Phenomena on Consumption Habits of Generation Z. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 5(4), 451–461.