The Effect of Perception of Organizational Justice on Whistleblowing Intention and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Field Study on Hospital Staff

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Leyla Kelekçioğlu
Ferda Alper Ay


The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the whistleblowing tendencies of hospital staff and their perceptions of organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviors, and to examine whether there is a significant difference between these variables according to socio-demographic characteristics. For this purpose, data were collected from 439 health personnel working in a public hospital by face-to-face survey method. Mann-Whitney U Test, Kruskall Wallis H Test, Spearman correlation, regression analysis and frequency tests were used to evaluate the data. According to the research findings, it was determined that there were significant differences between the socio-demographic characteristics of the participants and their behaviors of whistleblowing, organizational justice and organizational citizenship. There were positive significant relationships between "whistleblowing tendency and organizational justice", and "organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior". It was determined that there was no statistically significant relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and whistleblowing tendency. It has been determined that the perception of organizational justice affects the whistleblowing tendency and organizational citizenship behavior positively, and organizational citizenship behavior does not have a statistically significant effect on the whistleblowing tendency. A positive relationship was found between organizational citizenship behavior and internal whistleblowing. As a result, ensuring organizational justice helps to increase the "internal whistleblowing" intention and organizational citizenship behavior. Employees' Choosing the internal disclosure type first and not being indifferent to unethical behaviors can make significant contributions to the success of the organization and to reduce unethical practices within the organization.

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How to Cite
Kelekçioğlu, L., & Alper Ay, F. (2022). The Effect of Perception of Organizational Justice on Whistleblowing Intention and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Field Study on Hospital Staff. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 5(1), 44–65.