Agriculture in Kars After the Second World War (1945-1950)

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İlyas Topçu


Kars is not cultivable for large-scale agricultural activities because of its location and some negative geographical features. High altitude and its unfavorable climate conditions negatively affect the agricultural activities in Kars. With the eruption of World War II in addition to such effects, there were serious problems in the field of agriculture in Kars, just throughout Turkey. In fact, the years of World War II were a period of serious shortages and famines in the supply of food products as a result of negative climate conditions, the prolongation of the war, and empty fields owing to declaration of mobilization. Due to the war, agricultural production fell severely, and as a result, food shortage broke out in all cities. While many food products went on the black market, especially bread were rationed due to the shortage of flour. Following the end of the war, the law on the land provision of the farmers was enacted in order to revive agriculture by the state and a commission carried out activities in this direction in Kars. However, the actions did not give positive results as expected.

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How to Cite
Topçu, İlyas. (2021). Agriculture in Kars After the Second World War (1945-1950). Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 1(2), 131–142. Retrieved from