A Sociological Evaluation of Leisure and Recreation from Historical Perspective

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Arzu Toker


Researchers conducting studies in the field of recreation and/or leisure time are usually concentrating on recreation and/or leisure time, leaving to understand sociological frame in the second phase. One of the very means of preventing such circumstances that may be a barrier to research undergoes enough sociological perspective is primarily handling the research topic in the light of sociologic theories point of view. In this context, current study aims to summarize basically what are sociologic approaches and to develop particularly a new understanding for tourism researchers who are sustaining their studies in relation to sociology, recreation, and leisure. “Functionalist approach”, “structuralist-critical approach” and “poststructural/ postmodernist approach” are the most known and cited perspectives to develop a new understanding in relation to leisure. The functionalist approach concentrates on the personal role of individuals in the social system and underlines the importance of both individual and social order in a social system. On the other hand, “structuralist-critical approach” concentrates on individuals' role on the power relation basis and brings about the access inequality to leisure facilities. Finally, “post-structural/postmodernist approach”, gives credit to micro thoughts such as leisure flexibility, leisure was decentered and interpretation of identity or a means of selfactualization for individuals.

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How to Cite
Toker, A. (2021). A Sociological Evaluation of Leisure and Recreation from Historical Perspective. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 4(10), 1000–1013. https://doi.org/10.26677/TR1010.2021.858