New World: Vuca World

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Yasemin Karatekin Alkoç


With the globalization, digitalization and fast-changing atmosphere of today's world, it becomes very difficult to survive in this new world, which is differentiated both as an individual and as an institution. Leaders have to face the realities of this changing world, which is called VUCA, to quickly accept the emerging changes, to renew their perspectives on events, and to develop their own competencies and move forward with strategies suitable for this new world. In this study, the features and components of the concept of VUCA, which is used to express chaotic, uncertain and dangerous situations, are given, what kind of world is depicted with VUCA, and explanations are made about how leaders can cope with the threats that the VUCA world contains. In this way, it is aimed to contribute to the relevant literature by considering the concept of VUCA in all its aspects.

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How to Cite
Karatekin Alkoç, Y. (2021). New World: Vuca World. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 4(10), 989–999.