The Relationship of Music and Painting According to The Concept of Gesamtkuntwerk

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Emre Şen
Şeyma Çölgeçen


Austrian painter Gustav Klimt is one of the founders of Art Nouveau. Many works by Gustav Klimt include patterns, sculptures, mythological characters, and female portraits. Gustav Klimt said the following about his art: “When I need to say something about myself or about my art, I am neither able to speak in writing nor verbally. Whoever wants to learn about my artistic personality, the only thing worthwhile is to look carefully at my paintings and try to see what I am and what I want to do.’’ Austrian Separation master Klimt is best known for his decorative paintings. The Beethoven Frieze, created in 1902 in honor of the great musician Beethoven, is rich in content. This work, including the composer Beethoven's connection with Symphony No. 9 and his interpretation of his own mythological elements, is an important example of the concept of Gesamtkunstwerk. There is an art isomorphism between cultures. The Beethoven Frieze, an important work of the creative awakening at the dawn of the twentieth century, reveals a narrative that spans three walls moving with human longing for happiness. It is a magnificent realization of Gesamtkunstwerk, where different arts such as painting, sculpture and music are combined under a common theme. The purpose of this article is; To discuss the concept of Gesamtkunstwerk (complete work of art, ideal work of art) on the aesthetics of painting.

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How to Cite
Şen, E., & Çölgeçen, Şeyma. (2021). The Relationship of Music and Painting According to The Concept of Gesamtkuntwerk. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 4(8), 759–770.