The Place and Importance of Organic Agriculture and Good Agricultural Practices in Sustainable Gastronomy

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Salim İbiş


In recent years, increasing environmental pollution with industrialization and the increase in
some negative effects of industrial agricultural products on human health have led consumers to
prefer more natural and organic foods. At this point, it is thought that organic agriculture and
good agricultural practices, which are developing within the understanding of sustainability
today, are exemplary practices that will meet these needs of consumers. At the same time,
businesses operating in the field of gastronomy; It is observed that they develop appropriate
strategies for these approaches due to many reasons such as meeting consumer demands,
protecting the natural environment, acting with a sense of social responsibility, differentiation
against competitors, and utilizing niche market opportunities. This study is a qualitative study
based on literature review and its aim is to explain the importance of organic farming and good
agricultural practices in sustainable gastronomy by using the studies in the literature. As a result,
it has been revealed that organic agriculture and good agricultural practices are important
especially for chefs, consumer markets, regional employment, eco-tourism activities, food and
beverage businesses, gastronomy tours and gastronomy routes.

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How to Cite
İbiş, S. (2021). The Place and Importance of Organic Agriculture and Good Agricultural Practices in Sustainable Gastronomy. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 4(5), 487–498.