Analysis of Population Movements and Internal Migration by Age Groups in Trabzon

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Kürşat Yurdigül


This study was carried out in order to examine and explore the distribution of population and
internal migration movements by age groups in Trabzon between 1985-2019. For this purpose,
population and migration data belonging to age groups were analyzed and evaluated in order to
determine the direction in which internal migration movements occurred. Qualitative research
method and case study design has been adopted in the study. In order to achieve the research
aim, population and internal migration data of Trabzon province was filtered and calculations
were made from the data collected and stored by the DIE and TUIK. Secondary data analysis was
conducted. The data specific to migration received by age groups, migration given, net migration
and net migration rate were compiled. Descriptive analysis findings were presented and
interpreted. The age group of those who migrated in Trabzon province has been determined. The
variability of the phenomenon of internal migration according to age has been revealed. In terms
of the gender variable of the population structure in Trabzon province, it was determined that
the female population was more than the male population in all census periods of 1970 and after.
Intensive mobility was observed in the migration category given in the age groups of 5-35 years.
The reasons for migration given by Trabzon province in 18-24 age groups are education and
employment factors have been pointed by the past studies. In terms of 18-24 age group, education and employment factors are among the reasons for Migration received by Trabzon province, it was determined by past research findings. It has been proposed to conduct integrated qualitativequantitative methodical field research to examine the causality of migration supported by Development Agency funding.

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How to Cite
Yurdigül, K. (2021). Analysis of Population Movements and Internal Migration by Age Groups in Trabzon. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 4(5), 437–458.