The Effect of Personal Characteristics of Tourism Vocational High School Students on Career Anchors

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Ömer Sarı
Şenol Çavuş


Personality traits affect individual's attitudes towards career anchors as well as many attitudes. Personality traits and attitudes of the individual towards career anchors not only affect one's happiness in business life, but also contribute to productivity in the sector. In labor-intensive sectors, this is more important since almost the entire process of obtaining the product is the human factor. Tourism sector, which is a human sector, is also a sector where labor factor is intense. Tourism vocational high schools, which train both intermediate staff in the tourism sector and are an important and compulsory program in transition to higher education, are of great importance in this regard. The aim of this study is based on the relationship between the personality traits of students studying in tourism vocational high schools on career anchors and whether they have an effect on career anchors. In this context, the research was carried out on 190 students using the questionnaire technique. The results obtained were interpreted by multiple linear regression analysis. As a result of the analysis, it was found that personality traits generally have a significant effect on career anchors.

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How to Cite
Sarı, Ömer, & Çavuş, Şenol. (2021). The Effect of Personal Characteristics of Tourism Vocational High School Students on Career Anchors. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 4(3), 231–251. Retrieved from