An Evaluation and Solution Offers of Legal Regulations of The Tourism Profession in Turkey

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Binali Kılıç


Research shows that very few of the personnel working in the tourism sector have sufficient training and experience in the field of tourism. In this context, with the amendment to the Regulation on the Qualifications of Tourism Facilities, the foundation of the Tourism Profession Law will be laid in order for managers who were trained in tourism field, worked and gained experience in the tourism sector for years and for those who have graduated tourism education institutions to be more effective and productive in the sector, in order for the human sources to be motivated to increase tourism income, in order to increase the average expenditure per tourist and to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of tourism investments. In addition, it is possible to increase the demand for tourism departments of universities, to keep experienced tourism professionals in the sector and to provide legal security for the profession of those working in the tourism sector by amending the Regulation on the Qualifications of Tourism Facilities.

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How to Cite
Kılıç, B. (2021). An Evaluation and Solution Offers of Legal Regulations of The Tourism Profession in Turkey. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 4(2), 149–162. Retrieved from