Impacts of The Syrian Crisis on Turkey-Iran Relations

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Semih Nargül


Turkey's relations with Iran have not been stable from the past to the present. Although there was sometimes very serious rapprochement between the two countries, there were sometimes tensions that almost reached the size of war. The issues agreed by both countries lead to the continuity of positive relations, while strategic divergences trigger political conflicts. In this study, Turkey's relationship with Iran is discussed in a chronological context and the breaking moments affecting the situation between the two countries are emphasized. In addition, the impact of Turkey's rapprochement with Syria in the framework of a zero-problem policy with neighbors in the early 2000s is being studied. Then, with the outbreak of the Arab Spring, the role played by the deterioration of relations between the three countries is discussed. The study was revealed as a result of scanning the current literature on the subject and analyzing and compiling various sources. The aim of this article is to present Turkey-Iran relations in a general framework and to show how the crisis in Syria has led to a result between the two countries. In this context, Turkey-Iran relations are expressed in general, tension and continuity in relations are discussed and the effects of the Syrian crisis reflected in the region are emphasized.

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How to Cite
Nargül, S. (2021). Impacts of The Syrian Crisis on Turkey-Iran Relations. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 3(12), 1010–1026. Retrieved from