Hotel Employee and Guest Compliance with Covid 19 Pandemic Rules: Comparison of Antalya and Muğla

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Orhan Batman
İsmail Bilgiçli
Recep Yıldırgan


This study was carried out in order to investigate the compliance of the measures taken and the rules applied in hotel enterprises during the covid-19 outbreak by guests and employees. Hotel businesses that took the necessary measures in line with the Healthy Tourism criteria during the pandemic process and set the appropriate standards have started to accept guests again after a long series. Field studies of this study were conducted in two five-star hotel enterprises operating in Antalya and Muğla. Data collection based on observation, participant observation and interview methods were carried out in these establishments where the researchers personally accommodated between June-August 2020. The obtained data were subjected to descriptive analysis. In this direction, in-depth interviews were made with 7 department managers from both hotels and the issue was analyzed in two directions. According to the findings obtained, the compliance of the personnel with the pandemic rules taken in hotel enterprises in Antalya and Muğla is at a high level. However, when the compliance of the guests with these rules is examined, while there is an extremely low compliance in Antalya, a much higher harmony draws attention in Muğla.

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How to Cite
Batman, O., Bilgiçli, İsmail, & Yıldırgan, R. (2021). Hotel Employee and Guest Compliance with Covid 19 Pandemic Rules: Comparison of Antalya and Muğla. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 3(12), 935–955. Retrieved from