How Is the New Generation Motivated at Work? Differentiation Between X-Y Generations on The Axis of Business Motivation

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Aykut Göksel
Batuhan Ayan


Generation X and Generation Y, who work actively in business life, have differences arising from living conditions and upbringing. These differences can lead to differences in motivation sources in the business environment. This study was carried out to examine whether there is a difference in the work motivation of individuals belonging to the X and Y generations working in the public or private sector. Within the scope of the research, a total of 337 people was surveyed, including 157 private and 180 public sectors. In the study, it was validated by Gagne (2014) in seven languages (French, English, Dutch, Norwegian, German, Indonesian and Chinese) and nine countries (Canada, Belgium, France, Senegal, United Kingdom, Norway, Switzerland, China and Indonesia) and Çivilidağ and Şekercioğlu adapted the multi-dimensional work motivation scale to Turkish culture. In the analyzes, introjected regulation, identified regulation and inner motivation levels of Generation Y were found higher than generation X. No significant relationship was found between the amotivation and external regulation sub-dimensions and the X and Y generation.

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How to Cite
Göksel, A., & Ayan, B. (2021). How Is the New Generation Motivated at Work? Differentiation Between X-Y Generations on The Axis of Business Motivation. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 3(11), 885–899. Retrieved from