Şemsettin Sami’s Journal for Women and Children in Ottoman Turkish: Aile

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Huzeyfe Bilge


“Aile” is Şemsettin Sami’s journal which started to publish on May 27, 1880. The target group of this journal was housewives. It can be interpreted from texts that this journal published for wealthy women. The only author of “Aile” was Şemsettin Sami and he believed that a woman is the most important member of a family. Şemsettin Sami thinks that this important situation of
women makes them have more responsibilities. Thus, he always gave advice to women. Kids were the target group as well. There were some games and stories for kids in the journal. “Aile” included very few visuals and it was not an attractive journal due this aspect. In this journal there were many sentences that were unnecessarily long. The journal was at mediocre level and
we have only 3 issues of it.

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How to Cite
Bilge, H. (2021). Şemsettin Sami’s Journal for Women and Children in Ottoman Turkish: Aile. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 1(2), 55–64. Retrieved from https://sobibder.org/index.php/sobibder/article/view/12