Comparison of Values and Abroad in Terms of Turkey Turkish Textbooks the Taught

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Zekerya Batur
Emel Şaşmaz


The aim of this work in Turkey and Turkish used by the students who are Turkish native
language living abroad Turkish Culture to determine the values found in textbooks, in the
distribution of value in this book is to demonstrate that there is a difference and to determine
whether the diversity of value in this book. The study is descriptive and scanning model was
used. The sample of this study 2019- 2020 academic year in Turkey 5. published by a private
publisher who taught the class the students 5th grade Turkish textbooks with the Turkish native
language living abroad 5th grade students taught Turkish and Turkish Culture constitutes 5
textbooks. The texts in these books are analyzed in terms of root values in the MEB 2019
Turkish Curriculum. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the books analyzed contain
all root values and their value distributions were disproportionate.

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How to Cite
Batur, Z., & Şaşmaz, E. (2021). Comparison of Values and Abroad in Terms of Turkey Turkish Textbooks the Taught. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 3(8), 566–582. Retrieved from