Covid 19 Process in The Framework of Public Information Model; Dr. Fahrettin Koca Instagram Account Analysis

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Hicran Özlem Ilgın
Şaziye Ceren Ulupınar


While institutions evaluate social media applications within their strategic plans, they have also started to use them in public information processes. At the end of the 2019 Covid19 influenced China and the Other countries in the world like Turkey. In this process, official organizations in Turkey also taken measures and practices have been developed to prevent the spread of the disease. Regarding the transfer of these applications to the public and Sharing from the activities of the Ministry of Health, the Minister of Health Dr. Fahrettin Koca's official Instagram account is the subject of this research. Within the process, which is the first period of the disease, between 01 March 2020 and 30 April 2020. The official Instagram account of Fahrettin Koca was evaluated by the content analysis method within the framework of the Public Information Model and 286 posts were recorded. At this point, as a result of the study, it was determined that the posts were evaluated especially for sharing in the category of public information posts, especially in terms of press conference sections and daily case figures. In addition, the public is highly engaged with posts shared from this account.

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How to Cite
Ilgın, H. Özlem, & Ulupınar, Şaziye C. (2021). Covid 19 Process in The Framework of Public Information Model; Dr. Fahrettin Koca Instagram Account Analysis. Social, Human and Administrative SciencesSEARCH, 3(7), 500–517. Retrieved from